Monday, May 27, 2013

The Fern


Every year at our house we are lovingly reminded that the Gospel Plan has been restored.

Sometimes in the early spring I go  out and I hardly see any signs of The Fern

I think to myself, did we some how manage to kill it over the awful winter?

A week or so later I see a few shoots and think – well at least a little survived.


Pretty soon I look out my kitchen window and WOW!

It is full and green and lush.

I did not plant The Fern it was lovingly left here for our family to enjoy by The Grandparents

So every spring we could tell our kids-

Do you know where this Fern came from?


Growing for over 40 years in our backyard.

We love this Fern, and over the years we have shared it with family, friends, and neighbors.

We love that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us,

and we love the reminder we have every year that He loves all of us,

and We love HIM!

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