Sunday, June 16, 2013



Sometimes we like to go on Adventures.

Our Adventures usually consist of the back country somewhere.

For instance on this last adventure we did not see another person – all day.


These adventures feed my soul.

The beauty, The solace, The people I am with.

I am so grateful for these moments in life.

Speaking of moments -

I had a moment on this last adventure,

Maybe you have heard….


I was stuck, and I uttered these words,


“I am in Trouble!”

My mind was a little frantic….


In that exact moment-

my son calmly yelled up at me  -

“Mom I have a pocket knife will that help?”

You see I had caught my glove in the ATC-

and it was jammed-

so I could not move up, or down.


That knife was precisely what I needed.

He threw it up to me -

landed it right in my lap-

and within a little bit I was safe on the ground.


I watched as Mookie –

grabbed that pocket knife out of the car-

and put it is his pack.

No one else had a knife with them.

It was a little knife.

When I first saw it  -

I thought, ”oh my this might not help.”


But precisely -

because it was so small I was able to stick it inside the ATC-

and cut the glove away until I could move.

I know this could have been A LOT worse!!

That is what has been on my mind this week.


I keep thinking over and over.

What I needed in that precise moment -

Was provided!!

And I know with all of my heart


This was no coincidence.


I humbly give thanks to Heavenly Father


For the inspiration my son received to grab that Pocket knife-

and provide me with the precise thing I needed.


Anonymous said...

love you babe, your the best friend I've ever had.

Jami said...

Love this post!! Love how our needs are ALWAYS met through others:) Miss you girl!

Aunt Tiff said...

you amaze me...wish i was as adventurous as you!!