Sunday, May 19, 2013


As a  Society we often comment,

“Oh you can tell they are first time parents”


“-just wait until they have another child”

or better yet -

“They need another child!”

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No one prepared me for the first time grand parenting

All anyone ever said to me was,

“Oh you will  love it!”


“Isn’t it so much fun!”

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I would say the past year has made hubby and I

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Down right


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Look what he has had to put up with!

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I put this out there to warn my fellow

-first timers -


-even though you are mature, wise, older -

You will become

a little ridiculous!

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And least you think -

Hubby is alone in the silly category

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Or that I am unfairly picking on him

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-I give you a study I have been collecting

that I like to call

- Carter & Grandma Face-Timing! -

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BTW: First time grandparents:

Face-Time is a must-

if you live more then 5 minutes away from each other:

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Please pay particular attention to the small window

  in the upper right hand corner!

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What is she doing – now??

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Look at my new trick Grandma!

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The most amusing thing might be -

I am the one who is taking the screen shots

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Oh those silly-silly

first time


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good work honey. you're the best granny in the whole wide world.