Saturday, January 14, 2012

St Lucia


Safe and sound

Missionary daughter has made it to the island of St. Lucia


A small plane ride away from her mission home of Trinidad.

Bless the senior couple missionaries that handed her their phone-

at the airport in Miami, and said call your parents.


I said, "I wanna go??” –and yes it may have had a little whine it.

She replied sweetly, “ MOM, you are FINE”

I don’t think she understands – I really, really just want to go to St. Lucia:)

Who is with me? 


grandma zona said...

Looks just like Moorea, an island next to Tahiti, that we visited 35 years ago. Most beautiful place ever. Can't believe Nellie is really on St. Lucia, and yes, I would love to go there if I was 40 again. Love, Grandma Z

bonnie j said...

Me! Take me!!!