Sunday, January 8, 2012




I have a thousand pictures with this classic look from my princess Belle –

How do I choose just one??

Nellie 2011 122

Same Princess has ten thousand pictures of the two hoodlums-

Am I the only one that thinks they are an odd choice  to photograph?

Nellie 2011 011

These two Mookies had their families convinced it was the most fantastic choice in the world to take them where ever,

when ever they wanted-

Luckily the have both inherited cars


little girls (2)

For some reason I have made the choice to spend many hours this week staring at this photo.

Side by Side with this photo-



My mind cannot quite comprehend the passing of Time- 

for lack of a better word.

Mom's 155 

Choices Big and Small-

sometimes a choice turns out to be the BIGGEST BLESSING!



and yes I realize this post is really random choices,

That is what happens when I try to comprehend how my life has been -


by making RIGHT CHOICES!

1 comment:

grandma zona said...

I have done nothing but think about Nellie, where she is, what she is doing. But I am not worried, just excited for her choice to serve a mission and what a blessing it will be for everyone. Love the sister pictures, they are beautiful. Love and miss everyone, Grandma Z