Thursday, December 1, 2011


1. This picture is not posed
-Mays would never go for that.
2. Apparently this is his new favorite spot
-when I'm not home.
3. We finally found out what breed of dog Mays is
A Whippet!
- very rare and worth thousands!
Whippet for sale!
4. On the plus side - he is not much of a barker.....
Clark on the other hand is banned from dinner with the family.
5. On the down side - way down... He loves the garbage cans....
and Ian is a SAINT..No I will not say more...
'cause the princess' will puke..
6. Did I mention he is not allowed on my bed. EVER!
7. Someone in our house lets him up there when I am not paying attention.
8. Maybe... I should pay more attention...
9. He looks so sweet..
and cozy...
10. Well.... If you can't beat 'em you may as well join 'em.

1 comment:

Madeline said...

Oh Jenne this is great! What we put up with....this just made me smile!