There is a long and vicious battle between my sisters and I.
As to who is really the favorite Auntie.
I am here to tell you we all know the truth.
These kiddies sometimes change their answer on a whim.
I have to be on my toes at all times.
especially with this one.
He keeps upping his price for “favorite Aunt”
You know, milkshakes, pizza, slurpies
or some fireworks. (yeah fireworks, that one always works)
Needless to say, you can see why we fight over them.
and sometimes kidnap them for hours and hours,
or even days at a time.
Hey what’s your name?
Drop you on the floor - die laughing every time you ask him.
(and he was asked at least a hundred time last week.)
since I have no teenage girls at home,
I want them all.
Please, please send them all my way…..
Seriously, who misses teenage girls???
I must be getting sick. I think I have a fever.
anyway, back to the favorite auntie competition
that I may do anything to win…
except dance, I may never dance again
– and i quote
“Seriously that is so eighties”
Even though I may have to work even harder to
keep my reign as favorite aunt.
These kiddies will forever be my favorites.
All of them!!!
each and everyone.
So adorable,
and I want to spoil them rotten,
every last 41 of them.
and, and, and
Okay, okay I am stopping now.
I love it!! And being the favorite Aunt is the best...I would know you know:) Just don't tell Jami that!!
Whatever Tiff!!! Jen - I so recognize that park - I was just there 2 days ago - I am soooo SAD - I didn't even know you were in town - I will try to forgive you - it might take a Slurpee or maybe even some Fireworks:-0 Love ya!!
you are so funny! I hope love my teenage girl as much as you loved yours!! :)
Great post. As for favorite Uncle, I don't have much competition.
41 nieces and nephews? Awesome! I can't imagine you not being the favorite aunt.
Its true she is my favorite
Fun to see Grandma Jim and Grandma Dixie in your pictures... looks like you guys hung out at the ol' Caldwell estates :) The pond is pretty neat out there. Too bad we missed seeing you guys when you made the trip! looks like it was fun
I feel the same way about all my nieces and nephews. There isn't a competition though, I take the cake for the best aunt:)
My nieces and nephews are all grown up now so I am spoiling my great-nieces and nephews now and it is still fun...maybe you and I need some grandkids Jenne? uh hummm...;)
obviously you miss your teenage girls becuase i was your last one. And we were perfect children.
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