Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset

  Week One:


Timpanogas looked so different everyday.


Such a moody mountain.

I have a thousand different moods daily too. Sometimes my family doesn't appreciate them, like I do Ole' Timps.  


Friends and family are asking me where am I going with this experiment.

My goal is simple - I am concentrating on My mountain: Bonus I will learn to take a good photo in the process.

Other then that I am following the wind.

Where ever it blows me.

1 comment:

bonnie j said...

Jenne,I love your pics of Timp. The older I get the more I appreciate its beauty. There is not a more lovely view to gaze upon, if you don't believe me, go live somewhere else for a few years, you will miss mount timpanogos!Even the pacific ocean couldn't replace it for me.