Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday’s book


My Favorite Friends Book Club read this book for the month of May. I have to tell you I was a skeptic. My first thought was  - I think there has been more then seven. I will admit wholeheartedly that I was wrong.

This is an easy to read book that points out the fact the God has had a direct hand in the discovery,settling, the government, and preserving America. The seven main miracles of course the authors remind us are what they feel are the miracles that all the other miracles hinge on. I have decided this is a mute point. I choose to believe there are many, many miracles both known and unknown to us. 

Admittedly, it is not a heavy history book. It is very easy to read and grasp. The authors also throw in some fictional scenarios that I am not crazy about, but it does give you a sense of what life was like at the exact moment.

I would of left out the “What If” sections. I am not a “What If” person. I understand what the author is trying to point out. In history there are so many moments that hinge on a fraction of a second. It is easy to look back and say, wow what if the fog would not of rolled in when Washington was trying to get his troops off of Long Island. To me this is a little pointless instead the section should be named, Look at what God has done for us.

All in all, this is a read for everyone. Whether you are 10 or 88 you will be able to comprehend the history in this book. The authors did a good job  in bringing out the fact that America is special and God has had a hand in every aspect of it.

I came away excited for the prospect of the future of this great land. There are many wonderful and exciting promises in store for this nation. Once again I was reminded that what God promises will indeed happen.

I for one cannot wait.  

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