Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dear Christmas Tree,


I know you have had to put up with a lot from us over the years like being knocked over, decorated by four year olds, being put together wrong, and stuffed in a box most of the year.

I am so sorry that Mays is the second naughtiest puppy ever.

(Clark being the first.)

I will try to catch him next time.

I promise!

It’s a compliment that he thinks you are a real tree.

I know Sam and Ian loving made the beautiful stars/snowflakes to decorate you this year. You were looking more beautiful then ever -


We all gathered to watch a Christmas movie,

and right in front of us,

right in front of us,

bad puppy used you as a real tree.


Sorry, Christmas Tree. We are very, very sorry.

Yours Truly,

Trying not to laugh


dana liston said...

okay, that is a bad puppy. :) Very funny that it happened to your tree and not mine!

Unknown said...

Thats funny and stinky I hate cleaning Dog Pee its way worse than kids pee

joleen said...

this is reminding me of when our puppy ate our easter baskets and threw up before we had a chance to find them! I still don't have a dog!