Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bumper Cars

As we steer about in the bumper car ride of life, we cannot avoid every collision. DSCN0594 (2)

Some are purely accidental, some may be a bit calculated, but most fender benders are the result of simple human frailty and miscalculation.

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Every day of this life is new to us, and we may have a hard time getting used to the thing. I may bump into you, you'll probably bump  into me a time or two,


but hopefully no one will be hurt and we can just learn from the experience. Maybe we can even make a new friend.


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FYI: Above pictures do not go with the quote - in other words do not read anything into them ( Hubby and I are still wildly in love!) It was snowing, and I shot all pics from in the house. Yes, I was protecting my camera.

Except for Clark - yes Clark thinks living with me is a bumper car ride. After he let me take this cute picture, I think we may become friends.

1 comment:

Jami said...

I'm so glad I BUMPED into you many, many years ago:)