Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rainy days and.....

Mondays always get me down.

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Actually, I love a rainy day. I love a rainy day.

Okay, enough of the songs.

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I grew up in the high desert of Arizona, and we loved when it rained. We celebrated! We played in the puddles, and danced in the huge raindrops. I still love a cloudy, rainy day.

What really gets me down is WIND- I will curl up in my bed, pull the covers up over my head, and go into a deep, deep depression, all because it is windy. Hubby has witnessed this and it is not pretty. Also, a result of growing up in the high desert of Arizona.

Wind, Wind go away, come again another day. (I can't stop the songs)

Now rain, rain I want to dance in - oh, I feel another song coming on.

Wow, I stopped myself and it was a hard thing to do.  

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But today, today there was no wind,

just rain,  in January?

What a nice surprise.

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I love a rainy day. I love a rainy day.

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