Monday, December 31, 2012


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I was wondering as I drove to work, in all the snow, last week.

What has happened to all the icicle's.

I REMEMBER when I was a kid…….

3 feet long, 10 feet long…..

Then I came home to my house and saw this.

and thought…

What is wrong with my gutters??

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and the neighbor girl who is 4 wanted to play with it,

and I thought that could really hurt her.

Plus the neighborhood school bus picks up on my corner,

so this huge icicle is an accident just waiting to happen.

So much for my nostalgia with icicle's.

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We live in an area where

we have a-lot of snow – sometimes -

and we realized a couple of years ago that we did not like it so much.

Well, after checking our attitudes, we came to this simple conclusion

Those who love winter where those who went out and enjoyed winter.


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After some quick research into CHEAP winter activities

we bought these babies(snowshoes) at good ‘ole Costco

and we were off.

I tell ya – we now love winter!

We are begging for it to snow.

It is peaceful, beautiful, great exercise, and the puppies can go.

All of this beauty in our own backyard.

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I think the moral to my blog post today is this….

I often have to check my reasons for doing things in a certain way.

I guess I do, say , feel things just because I always have.


if I take the time to try something new,

WOW! the wonders of life are all around me!

Life is Good!

Here is to a New Year of trying new things and letting go of the old!!

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