Sunday, September 30, 2012




On Friday morning we left the fast paced, crazy, connected, big city life.

We strapped a 50 pound pack on our back and headed into the wilderness.


Believe it or not we found some friends with a craving for high adventure too.

Our Trailblazer (hubby) led the way.

None of us had been in this neck of Utah before.

Yep, I was going to say this neck of the woods,

but as you can see in above picture there is not a tree to be seen.

Utah can be like that, you know.


And when I tell you we dropped into the canyon.

I seriously mean dropped into the canyon IMG_0774

And just around the bend was this gorgeous little arch known as

Jacob Hamblin Arch.

I know you are wondering the same thing I was when I saw this Massive Natural Beauty.

Did Jacob Hamblin really ever see this arch?

and the answer is – I don’t know.


Now you are wondering about the title of this blog.

Well believe it or not I have never hiked the Grand Canyon proper.

I know, I know I am Northern Arizona girl,

and I have never done the grand daddy of ALL hikes in my book.


It is like saying you are from Hawaii and have never surfed.

Or from New York City and have never seen a Broadway play.

It has always been a source of secret shame in my life.


Until today.

As I was hiking down this beautiful, pristine canyon.

(We only saw two other groups)

I knew I would never have the same desire,

or regret,

about the Grand.


I was in Heaven, the sky was perfectly blue,

the water was refreshing,

the walls of the canyon were the southern Utah red.


There was a lot of laughter, and story telling

What you tell in Coyote Gulch stays in Coyote gulch.


I may, or may not ever have the opportunity to hike the famous Grand Canyon.

I know that if I never do.

I have not missed out on a single thing

because I have hiked, climbed, rappelled, shimmied, dropped, and swam in so many

beautiful canyons in Utah.


All of them pristine, unique and challenging in their own right.

I have been blessed to see so many beautiful places right in my own backyard.


Most of that exploring comes from hanging out with this guy.

Who is fascinated with the desert of Southern Utah.

And who I hope to explore many more canyons with.


And Hubby thanks for pulling me out of the canyon.

I probably would still be hanging on this wall without ya!


Aunt Tiff said...
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Aunt Tiff said...

I would say YES that Jacob Hamblin HAS seen that arch. From the stories my dad tells (see he is our great great grandfather) there isn't much of southern utah he hasn't seen!!

I envy that you can do things like that...someday, maybe, someday:)

jo said...

Thanks for being our hiking buddies! that was so much fun!xoxoxo

Unknown said...

That is an awesome hike. BTW I have never hiked the "grand canyon" either. I feel like this would be a great sister weekend