Wednesday, June 1, 2011



No doubt about it winning is the best.

It is a thrill, a joy, a feeling that you are on top of the world,

and the endorphins are a singing!!


This season,

this season has not been about that.

This season has shown me what kind of son I have,


The kind that sticks things out – even when it ugly

The kind that brings his best to every game.

The kind that is a team player.


Never throws his bat, or helmet, or his hat.

Never talks smack to a coach,

or a ref.

The kind that doesn’t get down on his teammates.


He kept working hard, and never gave up.

He never let the loses get him down (for very long)

He kept a positive attitude, and a good perspective.


Through a very long season of many disappointments

he showed his true character,


and that my friends is what loosing teaches us.

1 comment:

Jami said...

What a class act - I'm a fan and I have never seen him play:) His CHARACTER is what impresses me the most. Wish I could say my boys have never talked back to their coach, it's hard not to talk back when you live with him 24/7 hehehe

When are you coming to see me??