Sunday, March 14, 2010

Big Sista!


Grandma's 008 

(My older siblings at Christmas time 1966 in front of home in Kansas City – from L.-to R. Susan, Keith, Valerie, and Mike)

My Big Sister is an amazing person with the heart of Mother Teresa!

Grandma's 010

(Susan and Keith in Kansas City home)

She has always been the pipsqueak of the family. But take my advice  - don’t mess with her.

Grandma's 007

(My Family in Waterton National Park at a family reunion about 1975. Susan is in the center back row)

I have fond memories of our childhood, and all the things my Big Sista taught me.

Holly Jean 011

(Same family gathered for Mom and Dad’s 40th anniversary 1997. Missing 2 siblings. Susan 2nd from Left in front row)

She lives far away from me, but I get to enjoy her children that she sends my way. I am their favorite aunt – you know.

Grandma's 006

(Mark and Susan and Baby Ryan)

Her hubby no longer grows a ‘stache, and this little blue eyed guy graduates from the “Y” this spring. – I think.DSCN4198

(Mark and Susan and Baby Ryan)

How the years have flown.


(The Lee family Fall 2009)

Oh my!  She’s teaching them the same things she taught me.

Happy Birthday Big Sista!


Anonymous said...

Aawww, my mom is so cute! This is a cute blog!!

Lexi said...

i love the picture of '75 papa has not changed at all, still the same blue cover alls