Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eighteen Days


We use to call her Cindy-Lou-Who.

Her Christmas song about Percy the Puny Poinsettia was an instant hit at our home.

She was scared of riding her bike without her magic bracelet.

The first time she was behind the wheel she scared the bee-gee-bees out of me.

When you watch a funny movie with her. It is more fun to watch her laugh.

Can you believe she willingly substitutes for me in primary.

She has made a great decision – Ian is a keeper.

I will miss her enormously!

I hope she knows she will always be my little Cindy-Lou-Who.

1 comment:

Brain Balance Mom said...

I think they look so cute together! I wish I could make it to the wedding. I always miss everything! I got the invitation today and it is so pretty. Please tell her congratualations. Can you count this as my RSVP? :(