Monday, August 17, 2009

What – A - MOOSE

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So I’ve informed you what the hooligans have done all summer. With school starting this week I have begun asking myself

What have you done this summer? You need to say it like this – What HAVE you Done ALL Summer?


It’s a puzzler?


He’s done a little of that.


I’ve taught a little of this.


HIPPA rules against mentioning this. WAY too much of this.


Haven’t seen enough of you (my friends).

Sky (my bike) and I rode to work together and we’ve bonded.


Saw the TWINS for a minute and a half.


These sisters tried to pawn the Twins off on me.

They tried to convince me they had no IDEA who the TWINS were. All innocence - aren’t they?


And…… I’ve spent my peaceful Sundays with them.

Oh I can’t forget him.


and the darling mini princess.


Making my happy summer complete.


dana liston said...

I am so happy that you spend your peaceful Sunday's with Aiden! That is a crazy picture! Thank you for being such a great teacher to him. It looks like you have had a great summer! :)

How Sweet it is! said...

I am glad your Sundays are peaceful. Even with that cute bunch of kids. Skyler loves your class... THANKS!

bonnie j said...

Cute cute post Jenne! Don't forget, you have also fed your friends The James' several homemade shakes in your kitchen, among other things :D