With all the coming and going at our home this summer you would think I would be aspiring or training to do something BIG.
I have very few things in life that I am the BEST at. I believe I was born with this gift, and I have perfected it over the years. So here are my secrets to being the Napping Queen. I promise when you master these techniques you will find a talent that costs nothing, and brings you moments of pure bliss.
- First you must wake up at times you never knew existed. This is not an option. Do not be afraid, or aghast because the reward in the afternoon really pays off. A good rule of thumb is set your alarm 20 minutes before the Sun rises. No matter how much your mind rebels - force yourself to get up, and at ‘em anyway.
- An hour of exercise every morning is minimum for the best result of total surrender in the afternoon. Stepping outdoors is preferable. Breathe that fresh air down deep into your lungs. Step up the pace of whatever form of exercise you choose, but get that heart rate up, up, UP.
- Have at least 3-6 children living at home at any given time. The more the better in this case. The key is to train them to keep you up at least until 11pm (if not later). Then have a few young ens’ that get you up sometime during the night if at all possible.
- Most people think they need that perfect napping spot, but this is not necessary, neither is a quiet spot. The object is knowing when your sleep cycle winds down for the afternoon low. (this is a proven medical fact – look it up) For most of us this is sometime between 1-3 pm. After a few weeks of practice you will know exactly how your sleep cycles. Keep track of it on a calendar and then you can start to schedule your, “ nap for your health hour.” I prefer to be done by three so that I can rev back up for the afterschool/dinner hour.
- A book is a must. Please do not spread this around, but the scriptures are great for helping induce a perfect state of slumber. Oh, and the Ensign might even be better. Shhh, it is our secret. Plus you can tell everyone you read your scriptures for the day. Win/win.
- Everyone seems to think they need a long peaceful nap, but the key is getting to sleep quick, and sleeping deep for 30- 60 minutes, and sometimes less if you are in a crunch. So, put on the video for the babies, and sleep on the couch why you watch a movie together it is a great bonding moment for all.
- When the hubby finds you napping and the kiddos destroying the home front. The best line of defense is to say this (please memorize). “I am not napping. I am meditating.” He can not argue with this because meditating is proven to be a big health benefit. (Almost as good as going to the gym.)
- Clearing your mind is the hardest trick, but it can be mastered if you practice. Tell yourself over and over, “It will all be there when I get up.” Then you will have the energy and presence of mind to deal with it. Works like a charm. Try it you’ll like it.
- These are tried and true techniques handed down from generations of great nappers, and some of the happiest people I know. I guarantee them. So find a corner, a couch, a bench at the airport, or your yoga mat, and catch a few mind refreshing winks. I promise you will LOVE IT!
- If you think any of these are exaggerations you are sorely mistaken.
I love a good nap as well! In fact I don't feel like my day is complete unless I have one. Thanks for the tips. :)
LOL That is great Someday i will try waking up early but my kids won't even let me nap yet maybe when they are older
I love naps, but what advice for when the kids are home for the summer and keep "whispering" questions every five minutes?
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