Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu Culprit


You know I am a Pig Farmers Daughter and I have built up natural immunities.

"How 'bout a hand for the Hog" - Tom Sawyer in Big River.


Kelsey M. said...

Oh my.

Aunt Tiff said...

I love that pic! My mother in law thinks it looks like our youngest:o)

Unknown said...

Who is that?? Cute pictures though kids are really that disgusting. Eating with dirty hands at the park kissing random animals. GROSS

joleen said...

It makes me want to wash my face!

Jami said...

Thanks for lunch and for taking time out of your busy schedule for an "old friend". I appreciate our friendship - it's such a blessing -love ya!!

Cori said...

I received this email the other day and LOL. So funny!