Does this look like a Mountain to you? Tadasana, or Mountain Pose.The first posture of Yoga. Try it you'll like it.
Utkatasana, I like to say the name, over and over again. Hands raised to the Light.
Warrior One, Virabhadrasana, or Peaceful Warrior. Lots of balance and strength combined. Energy shooting out the fingers.
Finding my own strength. Stick posture, or Eka Pada Koundiyanasana II, Try to say that name. This is not the full posture, there is still so much more.
Marichyasana III , or the sages twist, Wisdom is coming I can feel it.
King Dancer, Natarajasana, (now that is one I never knew), one of the most beautiful and graceful postures.
This is the most pleasant surprise of all. Urdhva Dhanurasana, a simple backbend. I never thought I could do this, I was so tight (uptight) when I started Yoga. I just shattered that illusion. Hooray!
The most calming posture of all.Vrksasana, or Tree pose. My favorite.
Listening to the Breathe.
Thanks again for following your dreams! I'm so glad you're our yoga master!!
I truly believe that if you saw me attempting to do yoga moves you would loose your balance and your bladder!! You're amazing and I am in awe!! How long have you been teaching?
Your poses look so pretty. I love being in your class. Yoga is a lot of fun-thanks for teaching me!
Awesome backbend I love it. Someday I'll be tough when you teach me how. I think my new years goal is to harass you for living so far away from me
Seriously!! I am with Jami except if you saw me do that you would lose your lunch!! I am amazed!!
ps I love the pics of your favorite mountain.
Thanks for your willingness to share your great talent with us. I am so grateful for what we are learning from is making me stronger...little by little :)
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