I would like to introduce you to the classic Caldwell Girl LOOK, or CGL.
We all do it. My many sisters and I. All our daughters have inherited it, and the neighbor girls we've raised.
You may want to teach it to your daughter too. I believe it is easy to master, and comes in very handy in all kinds of situations.
This is the look that I always thought said, " You CAN'T be serious?"
Her sweet friend tried to warn her I was taking a picture. So Sorry!
Hubby says, it means," You've GOT to be joking". He told me the CGL would stop an armed robber in progress. All I've got to say is - Don't cross the CGL. Consider yourself warned.
If we are being brutally honest, it probably is saying, "You CAN'T be serious, Mom. You've GOT to be joking, and why don't you GET a life!"
I am so proud of how well she has mastered this look. I've have not failed her as a mother.
I mean look at the other kids, their looks are typical yawners (okay I am trying to be nice, but I can't resist who is the "heed" in front of my camera?)
Princess tells everyone I am her personal paparazzi.
So a word to all mothers with those darling little princesses you are raising.
Blog away, Blog, Blog, Blog.
Pretty soon they too will master the CGL.
Princess I just wanted to let you know. I realized last night you are way smarter then your mother.
Right over my head,baby. I hope you know that I am proud, so very proud of all you have mastered in your life.
That is so funny The look I never thought about it but your right we all have the look and Tianne is already a pro at it. Tell the elf that the kids have been so good so far this year
"It's a virtual planetoid!"
The primary pres. said I was the only one that could manage all 86 kids at once. I give credit to "the look."
i am very proud of that look!!!!
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