Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Trails to you


We went up the canyon trail today. It was sort of warm and I needed to see the outdoors desperately. I find I get far to serious when I stay inside too many days in a row. I need sunshine.


I went to take pictures of my Mountain, but when I looked at them after we got home I found most of my pictures had been tinkered with.


I was not there to take pictures of HIM all day. We both know who the true photographer in the family is. I am try to absorb his knowledge.


We were talking about how this could be a fun thing for us to do together. I am afraid it might not work out because when I go with Hubby this is what I come home with. Do you see any pictures of a Mountain anywhere?


Is it because he is so Cute?



Is it because he is passionate about everything he gets interested in?


I think maybe it is because he is so DANG entertaining to watch.


I felt a little better when he asked me to download his pictures from his camera. This is what I found on it. DSCN0741

I mean when you got the best - you just can't say anymore.

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